About us

CAP – Campagnola Advisers & Partners Professional Limited Liability Company is a capital company among certified public accountants, financial and tax advisers, auditors and investors.

CAP is an independent advisory firm. With the previous legal form of a Professional Association between certified public accountants, it was founded in 1992 by a group of Professionals with a background of high education in banking, insurance, industrial, national and multinational companies or in high standing consulting organizations.

Therefore, a specialized and integrated consulting structure was created that counts among its customers major Italian banks, financial operators and listed companies, as well as leading industrial companies throughout the national territory.

A team united by common values and objectives: high ethical sense in the relationship with client companies and professional counterparties; commitment and perseverance; teamwork; competence and quality control of work; sensitivity and great concreteness that, in 30 years of experience and through developing young talents, is nowadays a reality which has conquered national and international clients.

The various specializations of the professionals have been developed and coordinated in order to maintain traditional personal and fiduciary relationship “client-professional”, with the support of an organization that enhances the different skills with a tailor-made approach of a “professional boutique”.

In Italy CAP works with the main office in Milan and with the secondary in Naples.

CAP is arranged in two departments: Corporate Finance and Tax, Accounting & Corporate

CAP counts several fiduciary positions with its own professionals members of the Boards of Directors and Boards of Statutory Auditors of major industrial, commercial and services businesses, also listed, present throughout the national territory, either representing majorities or minorities, or representing the banking community in activities of implementation of agreements of Restructuring, as “independent directors”.

Several foreign financial investors are represented with board positions pursuant vehicles operating on the national territory.

For purely legal activities with particular reference to the Extraordinary Finance Operations, Advisory, Contract Advisory, General Business Advocacy, Campagnola Advisers maintains relationships of continuous collaboration with leading international firms of Italian business lawyers.

CAP is a firm accredited by the main national banking groups.